Join us for Healthy Minds & Soul Talk

"Life Cafe changed my life" - Karen

Life always has a way of raising simple but fundamental questions that demand honest answers. Questions like: What is my life all about? What is my place in the world? How can I make a difference?

Believe it or not, psychology means 'study of the soul'. The latest research tells us that stress is good for you IF it's meaningful. That is, you live longer and have more life satisfaction when you're living out what's most important to you... Who doesn't want that!

Research has also shown that living a more meaningful life requires a reframe. That is, how well you can move your mindset, restory your life and connect your life. Learn how to do this by doing our E-Course, Workshop & Life Cafe below.

Join clinical psychologist, Dr Paul Whetham, on a journey of discovery. Also, checkout our Healthy Minds Reading about social issues and personal growth, it explores the practical skills and services needed to thrive, not just survive, in life.

Life Counselling

Life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved. The old mental health model focuses on individual problems (assessment, diagnosis & treatment). The new wellness model focuses more on holistic health, life skills & supportive communities. This is the new and novel direction that Life Cafe Club takes.

Life Cafe Club offers a range of innovative services. For details, click on our Soul Talk E-Course, Healthy Minds Workshop and FREE Life Cafe below. Also 1:1 life counselling is available online or face-to-face with clinical psychologist, Dr Paul Whetham.  

Life Cafe (Free) 

Life, no matter what age or stage, always has a way of raising simple but fundamental questions that demand honest answers. Questions like: What is my life all about? What is my place in the world? How can I make a difference?

Life Cafe has 2-parts. First, we watch a brief life hack video and reframe it using the hero's journey. Then, we look at our own life journey and do something similar using soul talk skills.

Life Cafes are free for adults of all ages. They run during school terms in South Australian community centres for 1-hour a week. 

Soul Talk E-Course

Psychology means 'study of the soul'. Our Soul Talk E-Course is a semi-structured online adventure designed to help you get to know yourself better... inside and out.

The 3 E-course topics are ideal for people who prefer a self-directed challenge or who may not be able to get to our Healthy Minds Workshop. 

Healthy Minds Workshop

It's difficult to move our mindset (think New Year resolutions). By the time we're 35 years old, it's estimated that 95% of our brain has been hardwired and tends to run on auto-pilot... unless we challenge it.

Our mindset has been shaped, in part, by clever marketing & social media (you need to buy stuff or like stuff) leaving many of us distracted and/or lonely. Fact is, however, we’re built for adventure and adversity. Nulla tenaci invia est via, "With tenacity - every path is possible". 

Learn how to take your life and relationships to the next level by doing our Healthy Minds Workshop. It reframes loneliness and mental health as part of a quest where you find your passion, purpose and place, as well as create circumstances for a more meaningful contribution to the community. 

Dr Paul Whetham Dip. Welfare, BA(Hons), PhD (Clin Psych), FAPS.

Dr Paul Whetham is passionate about neuroplasticity and creating novel enriched environments where we thrive through dialogue and discovery. Paul is a clinical psychologist who did his PhD research on loneliness and has over 30 years of teaching and counselling experience. Previously, he has lived and worked in residential community settings, written numerous books and worked at university as a Director of a Counselling Program. Now he trains Soul Talk Mentors in South Australian community centres and online.

Life Cafe Club

Life Cafe Club was created to transform lives and connect communities. Mental health services are stretched and health professionals are like ambulances at the bottom of a cliff. While this is obviously important (see Life Counselling), putting a robust fence at the top of the cliff makes more sense. That's why Life Cafe Club is committed to providing E-Course, Workshop, FREE Life Cafe & Soul Talk Mentor training as well. 

Beyond Loneliness Soul Talk Project

Loneliness is an epidemic and a killer! It affects about 1:2 Americans and 1:3 Australians, it's the equivalent of being a smoker or an alcoholic and can take approximately 15 years off your life. 

Beyond Loneliness is our novel soul talk project that aims to transform loneliness in the community through the training and support of life coaches in Life Cafes. 

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